Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of our Meeting of 5 May 2022 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia
Present at the venue: Patti. June. Mike. Rick.
Via Skype: Dee. John. Nikki.
Readings began primarily inspired by last week's prompt. 'Earthquake.'
Nikki: 'Memories of Nai Harn'. The terrible devastating Tsunami'. Witnessed by Nikki. Thailand's shocking event.
Gina sent a message to inform us that she has arrived safely in the UK.
John: 'Earthquake 2018'. John's experiences of several of them.
June: 'Earthquake'. Interesting as always, with the orchestra stories. A compilation of her experiences, of this shattering phenomenon. Iceland in particular has many.
Coffee break 11-01 11-08
Patti: 'Earthquake in Cilchester'. A fictional clever story, of visiting Roman Britain. The unexpected earthquake and going into the roman tunnels as a means of escape.
John left the meeting at 11-22.
Mike: 'The Earthquake'. An observation on Marketing through lying.
Rick. ‘Further Developments’ The 10th chapter of his Work in Progress novel .
Prompt for next week. 'Pixels' or 'I didn't come to work because of . . .'
Meeting ended at 1200. Thanks to all who attended physically or virtually.
Thanks to Rick for setting up Skype. For Gina for all communication issues. And to John for attending to the PWG web site. Minutes Dee Leigh.