Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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MINUTES OF MEETING 27th June 2024 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus
At venue: Rick, Mike, Glen, Jackie and Anne
On Skype: John G, Bob and Irene.
John G: Blank Page.
An autograph book hand made by a cousin, is gradually filled by a youngster, Musicians, sportsmen, politicians and even some criminals fill the book providing a historical picture of his life, one blank page is left, what to put on it? He takes the book to the toilet to try and think of something. Finally a eureka moment, what about an index? But too late he has used it for something else – needs must!
Mike: Sunshine and showers
A descriptive piece about a stormy day in Paphos.
Irene: Sunshine and showers
A selection of songs containing these words bring back memories of Irene’s life to the present day.
Rick: Ch20 The missing paintings
Mike and Val are onto Gina Green’s and Edward’s plan to find the missing painting and Craig has it in Munich. They arrange for a duplicate painting to be shipped instead of the real one. Edwards and Gina make plans to steal it, but they are under surveillance……..
Jackie: Sunshine and Showers
Taking a trip along the Akamas trail in a relatively new Pajero, they meet a hire car coming back, and decide to carry on, the track gets worse and dangerous, then it rained after atorturous journey they come out by Aphodites Baths, very relieved!
Anne: The Missionaries.
Telling the story of the various missionaries who went to Africa to convert the native population to various types of Christianity The American Bptists arrive with luxury goods ans become the most successful with the poor people.
Bob: Easy like Sunday Morning with Hilda.
A walking group plan a Sunday morning walk finishing with a pub lunch, But Hilda takes over and is determined to take the group on a walk through the wild area, which was used to film ‘The Last of the Mohicans’ The result was that by the time they got back, all the lunches were gone!
Glen: Summer Holiday
Memories of childhood ho;idays in a Bedford van at Walton on the Naze, early morning start, meeting with relatives, sharing a beach hut, grandparents dressed in their best clothes, youngsters in bikinis, ‘nearly naked’, evenings in the pub, then back home to London’s east end.
We are taking a summer break so our next meeting will be on September 5th Venue Coral Star Restaurant 10.30 to 12.30 as usual, when the theme of "A Memorable Song" will be explored.