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Minutes for meeting 16th May 2024 Venue Coral Star Restaurant 10.30 to 12.30

At venue John G, Jackie, Irene, Patti, Mike, Rick, Glen, John E, June, Margaret and Mick.

On Skype Bob.


Welcome Mick, a published author who came along to see what we are about.


Patti: Holidays in Kenya

A true story of Patti’s time in Kenya, organized holidays in Massai camps with her children. Observing the migration of Wilderbeast, stray ones being hunted by lions, At a dinner party, her son went missing and was found in the Massai encampment, they brought him back fast asleep. Innocent times indeed.


Irene : After the fact part two

Lisa was troubled with the way her marriage was going, separate lives. Ken was arranging a trip to China, she phoned her son who talked to Ken and took his passport away. Talking to her lawyer he pointed out the complications of splitting up, the worst being a divorce.


Mike : After the fact.

A family escape when lightning strikes the house they are in, ina fierce storm the house is virtually destroyed leading to a phone call to AIRBNB the next morning………..


Glen : The New World after the fact.

A youth of eighteen receives his call up papers in 1943 and ends up in the Normandy Landings, death all around him, comeradery between the me, then at 98 years old tries to watch the recent Eurovision Song Contest, What was it all for?


June : Breton Tales

More of June and Charles’ life in France, They try to buy a dilapidated house near them belonging to Marcel a bad tempered farmer next door,  who eventually agrees to sell to them but must offer it to his sister first, cash price did not cover the value of the property. But she backed down so all’s well that ends well. Another book I think June.


JohnE: Pressure shot

Another of John’s experiences of a training course when he was on active service, don’t drink and shoot guns!!


Bob :Breath Easy

Another scene from Bob’s screenplay of his book. We all took part in the reading in which Carver comes up against Megan Crane for the first time. Jess is concerned by his reaction to her………………..


John G : John wrote a script based on Dads Army The children of the characters have similar identities to the adults, again we took part in the reading.


 Margaret: Her early life

The story goes on when she had a third child and he was adoptedYears later he tracked her down and they were re-united. Her Downn syndrome child died in 2019, and her third child still visits her in Cyprus. This is real life experience get it all written down.


A very full meeting with a large range of subjects. John came over for Jenny’s wedding nice to see him again.


Note From JG

I would like to thank the group for welcoming me back on my visit to the PWG. It was great so see you all in the flesh.

After the meeting 8 of us stayed on for lunch in the restaurant an it was great to catch up. This included a brief discussion on the use of expletives.

A solution was proposed that we introduce a watershed of say 11.30 (flexible) before which language would be moderated to accommodate the sensibilities of some members who may wish to leave at that point.

To assist in this submissions should be marked with an X rating.

Perhaps we could put this on the agenda for the next meeting

Thank you all.

John Goodwin

Former chair PWG now in UK

 Next week’s theme  GROWING OLD




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