Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of meeting 20th June 2024 Venue Coral Star Taverna 10.30 to 12.30
At venue Rick, Mike, Glen, Jackie John E, Anne
Skype Iene and Bob
Jordi’s book “Atlantis the Cypriot Empire” is out this week as an E book on AMAZON
Next week will be the last meeting ten summer break resuming 5th September2024
Bob screenplay of his book
We read through a discussion by detectives in te Duke’s office, establishing the different attitudes of the officers involved.
Rick Ch19 Missing pictures
Mike and Val are in contact with Gina Green about her claim to a picture they know to be stolen. It transpires that Gina Green is an associate of Peter Edwards and using Mike and Val’s investigationary skills for their own ends.
Irene Bright Ideas
Most bright ideas seem to have come from Scotland, but Irene travelled to India where she invented a cup that encouraged babies to suckle more readily. The device is still in use today. She suggests that it would be a good thing to have at least one bright idea a week, then sort out the best one.
Mike Bright Ideas
An older man needs bright ideas to get him through every day, because when retired each day is the same. Like Groundhog Day, how do you tell them apart?
Glen Bright Ideas
Looking through the development of mankind from the invention of the wheel to the present day. When will it all go BANG!!
JohnE Bright Ideas
Looking back on bright ideas which haven’t been thought through and fall at the first hurdle, degrees for police officers, national service again, all empty nonsensical election posturing. Just get on with the job!