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Minutes of our Meeting of 3rd November 2022 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Coral Bay Cyprus


Jordi Guri John Goodwin Nikki Burrows

Bob Barker, Rick Powell Stephen Postgate

Mike Bobby Phil

The meeting commenced at 10.30 am and was chaired by RP, who welcomed everyone.


The members were then invited to read out their offerings, some were from the HW prompt “A Horror Story”.

Rick Ch 22 of on going book

Mike (HW) Bonfire night the aftermath

Bobby Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Nikki (HW) Shopping is hell

Bob Ch 21 Breath Free

Jordi Chapter 2 from work Atlantis

Stephen 3 new Clangers proposed episodes. The Primrose Comet, New Soup The game.

Rick announced that each week one member of the group would be asked to provide a homework prompt.

Homework prompt for reading on10th November

Provide a “pitch” for a TV or radio programme.

The meeting concluded at 12.36.


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