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Minutes of Our Meeting of 28th April 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus,

Greetings fellow Writers

Present at the venue: Gina. Patti. Stephen. Mike. June.

Via Skype: Dee. Nikki. Bob. John. Rick.

Readings began with those based on last week’s prompt:

John: 'Feral to fair-rule' The story of Ginger their Cyprus cat. Based on last week’s prompt, avoiding anthropomorphization.

June: 'My Favourite animal'. Life with and without her dogs. Partly based on her memoirs.

Nikki: 'My favourite animal'. The antics of her three beautiful felines and so different in nature. And the photographs of the amazing array of animals she encountered in her holiday

Rick left at 11 01. His next chapter held over to next week.

Mike: 'Roland and Rupert'. Written from the felines P.O.V. anthropomorphized antics of these adorable cats. Who admitted that their favourite animal are humans.

Coffee break 11 05 11 15

Patti: 'Achilles the kitten.’ Anthropomorphized again from the P.O.V. of the adorable kitten, who suffered so much in his short life.

Bob: Chapter 2 of 'Breathe Free'. His new Work in Progress the next in the DCI Carver series.

Stephen: The continuation of little boy and big little boy. A complex part illustrated psychological drama.

Meeting closed at 12 32.

Prompt for Next week “Earthquake.”

Thank you to all who attended, physically, or virtually. See you next week. Many thanks to Gina and Rick who kindly set up Skype, and Gina for all contact and administration work. And to John, for the PWG web site. Minutes. Dee Leigh


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