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Minutes of Our Meeting of 1st June 2023 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus.

At venue: Rick, Mike and Jordi.

On Skype: John, Bob, Dee and June.

Meeting Started at 10.30:

Rick: Chapter 4 Finding the painting.

Henri, Mike and Valerie piece together the information they need to try and trace Gina’s missing picture. They prepare to go to Arnhem in Holland, then to meet up with Greg in Germany before he goes home to the USA. The story unfolds.

John: Life on Earth.

Scientists are working in secret to try and solve the problem that is looming ever closer. Polar reversal is upon us. What can be done to stop it, if anything?

Mike: The Future of Mankind.

The world is finished, ruined by mankind’s meddling with everything. They set off into deep space to find another suitable planet and start again. But something or someone is watching.

June: The Future of Mankind.

June’s take on the future of mankind, a very well researched piece thoughtfully interpreted and not a musician in sight!

Jordi: Digenis Akritas.

Following on from last week he delves into various accounts of family histories back in the eleventh century to try and establish the true identity of Akritas. Involving the Byzantine wars and the battle of Manzikerg and the transfer of power to the Turks. As usual spell binding and totally believable.

Bob: Ch 44 Breath Free.

Vasillis listens to what Jess has to say about Edmund Hart and the Phoenix programme. He realizes that maybe they were pursuing the Russian involvement instead of Jamie’s concerns about Edmond Hart. Then the news breaks that a body has been found! Gripping stuff.

The meeting ended at 12.00. Next week’s subject ‘SUMMER MADNESS’


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