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Minutes of the meeting 18 July 2019 Venue Neos Sports Club, Pegeia.

A final greeting scribes before the summer break which I hope you all enjoy, relax and create lots of inspirational writing. We resume meetings on 5th, September at Neos.

Present: John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Gillian Ainsworth, June Megeniss, Derek Whittle, Svetlana Garshina, Helen Ratcliffe.


Rich Poem The house by the sea.

Rich Poem Sick.

Derek Story Father’s Day Out.

A discussion followed on the seaside of 1950's and 1960's.

June Story Spring on the Akamas.

John Story Going Coastal.

Coffee break to

Gillian Story Survival.

Gillian Story Ride a white swan.

End of term writing prompt:

Write about a dramatic event that ends up posing a question such as “how did this come about?” Or “What is happening here?” 500 words or so that will leave your reader wanting to find out more.

Then, as it is the summer break, if you feel inspired, go back and write the build up to your opening gambit. The first event should not be the culmination of the story, that should come at the end.

Thanks to all who attended, next meeting 5th, September at Neos.

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