Minutes of Meeting 22 November 2018 Venue Neo's Sports Bar Function room..
Nikki Burrows (NB) John Goodwin (JG) Mary Duffy (MD) Pat Wilson (PW)
Maurice Holloway (MH) June Megennis (JM) Derek Whittle (DW) Beryle Lowe (BL) Anne Joyce (AJ) Mike White (MW) Svetlana Garshina(SG)
Jennie Rook. (JR) Richard Palmer (RP) Gillian Ainsworth (GA)
The meeting commenced at 10am and was chaired by JG who welcomed everyone. JG reported that he SG & RP had been involved with the Cyprus/Russian Association Childrens prose writing competition and the subsequent prize giving. JG had donated a copy of his book for a prize.
The members were then invited to read out their offerings based on the writing prompt-TRAPPED.
Thus the resulting readings were:
AJ The walker
MH Trapped in the truth
DW Coup de grace
JM A bad day at the office
PW Trapped
SG Trick, coincidence or happenstance.
JG Trapped
NB Invasion of agony
MW Six feet under
5 minute exercise.
Members who attended the meeting were asked to imagine that at the end of the meeting Seargent Savas of the Paphos police prevented them from leaving until he had taken a statement. The only reason he gave was that a body of a young woman was found in the room across the other side of the bar.
He showed a photograph of her which no one admitted to recognizing. and asked the simple question did you hear or see anything during the course of the meeting. The members had 5 minutes to write down their answers before reading them out. These responses are binding.
Christmas meal
The date to commence meetings for 2019 was agreed to be 10th January. Venue remains unchanged.
Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it is:
Take your witness statement and write a piece based on it and the statements read out by the others.
DO NOT alter any facts from your original statement written during the meeting!!!
A clue as been posted already scroll down in Minutes page to review it.
Here is a new clue the woman was killed by having her throat cut from left to right.
You may also wish to note that Mike and Svetlana were late arriving at the meeting however they did not arrive at the same time.
The meeting concluded at 12.10