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P.W.G minutes of the meeting 19/04/18 Venue: Neos Sports Club, Pegeia.

Greetings scribes, an excellent attended meeting with some interesting and amusing 'homework' stories. The subject was: Write a story about or from the point of view of an animal. 500 words.

You can use an Anthropomorphic or Non-anthropomorphic approach.

Present :

John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Caroline-Harman-Smith, Paul Rigby -Jones Dee Leigh, Micheal White, June Meginess, Paul Trebess, Beryl Lowe, Ann Joyce, Mary Duffy.

Guest Prospective Member Norma Georgiout.

John invited Norma to introduce herself: She is a published author and a former

journalist. She enjoys writing poetry.


Mike story An evening out

Paul R-J story First night out

Caroline story The moggy from Moscow

John story Ferule to Fair Rule

Ann poem To my daughter Rosanne

Paul T story Edward Sweet.

Discussion on Pauls story followed regarding the value of research details from internet.

Coffee break to

June Extract My memoirs

Mike story M.S. Zenobia

Writing prompt: 'I FELT SICK' or 'he/she/they FELT SICK' around 500 words or so.

Thanks to all who attended, next meeting 26th, April at Neo's as usual.

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