Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of our Meeting of 26th October 2023 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus,
The Meeting Started at 10.30
At Venue – Rick, Mike, Patti, June, Maria, Irene Senske and David Waterhouse.
On Skype – John and Bob.
We wellcomed to two new participants Irene who wants to improve her writing techniques and David, a poet and prose writer who has one published book ‘NOMADNESS’
John opened the meeting with a suggestion of a weekly fee of 5 euros to cover coffee and expenses. That was agreed by those present, starting next week (2nd November) kitty to be held by Rick.
There then followed a general introduction of the members to Irene and David.
Mike – A once in a lifetime experience.
The trials and tribulations of raising your first child with tricks, lies, stories and hopefully producing an honest upright citizen at the end of it!
John – Went over a tutorial on writing your autobiography, constructing a chart building it up with the necessary information before you start writing. Text and chart posted on our Skype page.
June – George and Kate, A love story.
The true story of her parents relationship, interrupted by the war years, then the early death of her father at forty one, from consequences of the war in foreign parts causing damage to his internal organs. Following the death of her mother June and Charles hunted for her father’s grave in the massive Greater London Cemetery, finding it and burying her mother’s ashes with him. A very touching story told expertly.
Maria – Extract from her autobiography.
Her first job was at seventeen as an office worker in the police headquarters, and her first boyfriend pretending to her parents to go to evening classes to spend time with him. Admitting to her parents that she was dating who took the Greek view that marriage was the only type of relationship that Greek girls had. The boyfriend left! There then followed a discussion about being brought up in a foreign country with different standards and values.
Patti – Half a crown
Another true story from her youth, she met an old boyfriend who had gone off the rails and into drugs in the early sixties. He and his friend were begging for money to spend on drugs. She gave him half a crown and asked him to go and have something to eat and drink with it. He did and later in life she met him again, he had cleaned himself up and joined the army. His friend had overdosed on heroin. A half crown that saved his life.
Rick – Ch 12 Who was Parkes? Part 2.
Valerie uses her connections to find out the truth, he was an east European real name Alexander Podroski who came to UK in the war, went to prison for forgery of documents, was put into use forging German documents for the British. The informant at the auction houses provides more information. At the Pub they all get together and discuss the findings over a delicious pie and a pint.
Bob – Put forward a cover for Breathe Free and welcomed any suggestions.
His reading of the next chapter was put off until next week when he should be over.
David – Poem ‘Age’
A view of a lifetime from old age culminating ultimately in death, very well read.
Irene – Meeting Death
Using her experiences in dealing with terminally ill patients and how to deal with the situation. Thought provoking stuff.
A revitalized session with new and old members providing new material and ideas.
The meeting ended at 12.40.
Next week’s theme FIRE! Or anything related to it.