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Minutes of Our meeting 15th June 2023 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus.

Present at venue – Rick, Mike, Bob, Patti and Nicki

Skype – John apologized for his absence.

Readings as Follows:

Mike: Good cop Bad cop. Two views of the police, a down to earth, by the book long term constable and a go getting, gritty, rule bending, detective inspector. Who does the best job?

Patti: A well researched piece regarding the origins of the police force and where ‘The Bill’ probably came from. There was also a personal family history piece about her distant relative who was killed in the police force in the eighteen hundreds causing his widow and son to move back to Ireland. The son produced thirteen children and established a huge branch of the family over there.

Rick: Chapter 6. Mike and Val go to Cologne in the archive building they are informed that someone else has asked for the same information the day before, a man with a scar. They then move on to Munich where they find Gina’s picture. But they are being followed by the man with a scar!!

Nicki: Bill’s Bill. A dark look into the future of the outcome of political correctness in the middle of the current century. Very convincing, it may be happening already!!

Bob: Breathe Free Chapter 45. Carver is taken to the murder scene only to find that the body is that of Samorn, grotesquely arranged and ritually killed. It resembles the Worshiper Killings!

All gripping stuff!!

Prompt for next week: Summer Solstice.


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