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Minutes of the Meeting of 28th January 2021 Venue Skype.

Greetings fellow writers.

Virtually present at today's meeting. Gina, Nikki, June, Dee, Jennie, Bob, John, Rick.

Many thanks to Gina who takes care of all administration and Dee taking the minutes.

Readings began from last week's prompt. 'The Gift':

Dee: 'Sally and the shell'. A story about mermaids, intended for children.

John: 'The Box'. An intruder leaves a little box on a table. A sweet

romantic story to lift our spirits.

Nikki: 'The life Gift'. A very touching and personal piece of work, from the heart.

Coffee break 12 - 12:15

Rick: Chapter 13 from his WW11 novel. Coming on nicely. Comrades at arms.

Also Rick has had some new take up and commissions for his travel pieces from 'International Living' among others. He has kindly shared his search links where he found interest to publish his works. Thanks Rick.

Bob: Work in progress from his novel, as Kitt and Brandon witness through the gap in the curtains, at Miriam's house.

Looking forward to next chapter Bob.

June: A chapter from her autobiography. “Musical Inheritance”. From humble beginnings to becoming 'Woman of the Year.'

Thanks to everyone who attended. See you next week

This week’s homework: “Word of the Month” find and use a word that is new to you.

Writing prompt option: “The Spirit”.


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