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Minutes of our meeting of 2nd June 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia.

Greetings fellow writers. Present at today's meeting at the venue. Mike. Julie. Steven. Rick.

Via Skype: Dee. John. Bob. June. Nikki, and Oriana her lovely granddaughter, who has beautiful red hair.

Readings began with:

Bob: 'Breathe Free.' 6 of his latest Work in Progress.

We welcomed Julie, who introduced herself as a potential member then read 'The Wind' a prose poem.

John: 'An Elf in the Machine'. In response to the prompt a children’s story from last week. (Target audience 11-14) Just the start, more to follow.


Rick: 'Saturday night'. Chapter 13 of ‘Mike and Val’. his work in progress.

Coffee Break 11-25 11-32.

Nikki: 'The magic of Nannies'. A Children’s story especially, featuring Oriana as the lead character. (Target audience 5-7 years of age)

Nikki told us of her son's books on sale online for just £1 in consideration of a review,

John: 'Lucy and the Manx turkey'. (Target audience 5-7 years of age) an extra story for Oriana

June: 'Bakko the elephant'. From the Children’s story prompt. Inspired by a documentary on a herd of elephants. Highly rated by our young guest judge.

Steven: 'Marriage amongst the waves'. A very unusual story, of being married by laptop

Mike: 'My Child'. A reflective true story of a proud dad.

Meeting Ended at 12.15 with a prompt for next week. 'Utopia'.

Bob hopes to be at the venue next week flights permitting.

Thank you to all who attended both physically and virtually. Many thanks to Rick for setting up skype and Gina for all communication issues. And to John, for keeping our website going. Minutes Dee Leigh


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