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Minutes of Our Meeting of 10th March 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna.

Greetings fellow writers.

Meeting commenced at 10-am.

Present via Skype. Nikki. John. And new member Bridget Dyer,.

At the Coral star Dee. June. Bob. Mike. Rick. Gina.

We welcomed Bridget who joined on Skype with voice only as she was having problems with the app settings. Gina has offered to visit her home and help set up Skype for next week.

Reading began as follows:

John: “Ch27 Hot Air.” An extract from “Norm & Dig Going South.” his work in progress sequel to his published fantasy novel “Norm & Dig’s Epic Adventure.”

Gina: “The Cottage.” Autobiographical description of her childhood countryside home. inspired by last week's prompt.

Nikki: “Lucy' Ch3.” The continuation of her DS McLaren novel. A work in progress.

Bob: “Chapter 8 of Keep the Gate Closed.” A ghost story nearing its conclusion.

Mike: “A Stormy Night.” Humour based on last week’s prompt.

Dee: “Priscilla's Touch.” A story of the young PC Jack Frost.

Rick: “Chapter 4 – Scotland Yard Detective. April 6, 1948.” from his work in progress Period murder mystery novel.

Thank you to all who attended. Virtually or physically. Thanks to Rick for setting up Skype and to Gina for all communication issues and John for the Web site. Minutes by Dee Leigh.

Prompt for next week. “The luck of the Irish.”


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