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Minutes of the meeting 11 July 2019 Venue at Neos Sports Club, Pegeia

Greetings scribes, as we get close to the summer break, last meeting 18th, July, I would like to bring to attention all the members who have attended over the years but for one reason or another are no longer seen but retain their membership. They, like present members, put a lot of effort into keeping the momentum going resulting in the vibrant group it is today. We send our good wishes wherever they may be.

Present: John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Caroline Harman-Smith, Maurice Holloway, June Megeniss, Gillian Ainsworth, Helen Ratcliffe and guest (future member) Yvonne Miranthis.

Yvonne introduced herself. She likes to write short stories and poems and began at an early age while still at school. She started a writing group in Oregon, U.S.A in the seventies, at The poets and writers round table. She has been in Cyprus since 2009 and although not having written for a while, she wishes to join the group and make a positive influence. We welcome her and wish her well.


Maurice Story I didn't become a Doctor on holiday.

Rich Poem What I didn't do on holiday.

Caroline Story Wishful thinking.

John Story Rant

Gillian Story Survival.

Coffee break to

June Memoirs The European Women's Award for achievement.

Caroline Story Crisis on proxima.

This week’s writing prompt: On the theme of the “Seaside” but start with a question and write a poem or a story of 500 words or so,

Thanks to all who attended and afterwards for a meal and drinks.

Next meeting 18th, July at Neos followed by a social gathering, partners welcome.

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