Minutes of the meeting 26/10/17 at Neos Sports Club, Pegia.
P.W.G minutes of the meeting 26/10/17 at Neos Sports Club, Pegia.
Greetings scribes, a bit of a low attendance this week, probably due to the damp and overcast weather plus we have lost five staunch members due to life changing events. However, Tony Samson has brought the group to the attention of his expat group and hopefully we will see things change. Congratulations to Bob Barker on the sales of his book, 'The Last Gasp', doing quite well I am told.
Present: John Goodwin Rich Palmer Tony Samson Eddy Kent
Ann Joyce and John Winslow who was making his last appearance before returning to the U.K.
Discussion on 'Understand Readability Scores. (Notes in Tutorials page.)
Edd Poem Creatures of the night
Edd Poem Trick or Treat
Ann Poem Meadows of Asphodel
Tony Ppoem Skin
Tony Poem The best feeling
Coffee break 11.0.am to 11.15.am
Speed writing exercise: Write a ghost story in 10 minutes.
All members participated in this and the results were read out.
Homework: Write a ghost story 500 + words. Develop from the speed writing exercise or a new thread.
Thanks to all who attended, next meeting Thursday 2nd November at Neos.
Rich Palmer secretary.