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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 26 March 2020

Venue: Skype


John Goodwin Jennie Rook Richard Powell Nikki Burrows Bob Barker

Apologies from Jordi Guri, Caroline Harman-Smith, Dee Leigh and Gill Ainsworth.

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

Another worthwhile online meeting on Skype and virtually, welcoming Rick back to a visionary being. Thank you to everyone who logged in and uploaded documents to read. It was fun listening to the reviews. I have added links to each film for everyone to watch at their leisure as we, probably, have some time to kill during this isolation period.


Nikki: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Outbreak’ -

Rick: Based on last week’s homework: ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ –

Jennie: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Parasite’ –

Bob: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Titanic’ –

John: Based on last week’s homework: He gave us an idea but hadn’t had time to write his review so will add it to the Online Group before next week.

This led to a short discussion on films and film writing.


Bob: Chapter 7 of his new book ‘A Killing Place in the Sun’ – feedback was given.

Rick mentioned he has signed up to a writing course by Michigan University. He will give us more information next week, about what he is doing.

This led to a discussion about which writing apps are best. This article has a list of reviewed apps by a writer which lays out the most popular used, with links to each app:

John and Bob also recommended Scrivener to Rick.

We also discussed publishing, as Rick is looking to get published and will seek help when he has completed his manuscript. John and Bob are happy to help.

Nikki is speeding through her Zeus novel and will read to us next week. She has uploaded the first 2 chapters to the Online Group.

Next week we will discuss the option of using Zoom for online meetings, as it offers some more functions over Skype, and is coping with the massive surge of traffic better than Skype. Jennie will chat to John regarding subscribing if necessary, before next week. Bob has also invited Jennie to join him on his UK writers’ group Zoom ‘test call’ tomorrow.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

Documents uploaded for reading/feedback:

All the above plus:

Nikki: Chapters 1 & 2 from ‘The Zeus Factor’ – her ‘other Gods’ novel

Coffee break: Throughout the meeting


Word of the Month:

Find a new word that you know not of its meaning.

Use it to write a piece up to 500 words, in any genre. We will do this every month, hence the theme, ‘Word of the Month’, so keep a look out for any word that crops up in your reading/listening or viewing over the next month. It’s a great exercise to add words to your vocab list that you may or may not use in your novels.

For those attending the call, please upload your piece to the PWG Skype Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 2 April on Skype.

Thanks to all who attended, stay healthy and safe and happy writing.


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