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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 23 July 2020

Venue: Neo’s Sports Bar, Peyia and Zoom


John Goodwin (Z) Jennie Rook Caroline Harman Smith Richard Powell Mike White Yvonne Ackrill Gina Angeletta

Apologies: Gill Ainsworth, Dee Leigh, Nikki Burrows, June Megennis, David Greensmith

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

A very lively meeting this week and everyone had written good work. John’s homework and Rick’s chapter 6 will be carried over to next week, our final, before we break up for the summer.

John, who now has super-fast broadband with perfect sound and vision, started the meeting by covering the preferred formatting in Word tutorial, for our new members and as a refresher for the rest of us.

For those who want to re-read it at their leisure, go to the Tutorials page on the website and go to ‘PWG Notes: Setting the Style.’ Here is the link if anyone has trouble: . It should automatically open up in Word.


Yvonne: Based on a last week’s homework: ‘My Day Out’ – based on a terrifying, true story. Yvonne received lots of positive feedback from the group and it’s a great start for her project.

The formatting discussion continued with Mike relaying to the group, a story about his writing for a paper and how the editor changed the headlines only.

Coffee Break


Caroline: Based on a last week’s homework – Bad Night In – a very concise story of trying to make your way around the house in the darkness. A great example of how to ‘show don’t tell,’ for our new members.

Mike: Based on a last week’s homework – The Phone Rang – a clever story from Mike with the title as his punch line.

Gina: Based on last week’s homework – Theft by another name – an introduction, almost synopsis of Gina’s debut novel in-the-making. This story has potential and the group really felt the tension. Feedback was given to Gina from the group with plenty for her to work on.

Rick: Based on a previous meeting’s discussion around local colloquialisms and idioms of Canada and U.S. with those using characters in these countries and keeping their writing authentic, a piece entitled: A Trip Downtown – full of ‘Canadianisms’ (a new PWG word) which was educational and fun to listen to.

Rick then re-read the story with definitions into English. John asked for the piece for his reference, and Jennie will post it on the Pick of the Month page on the PWG site. Homework:

Word of the Month with an added challenge

Take note of a word that is new to you, that you’ve overheard or read this month. But you must include one of the below Merriam-Webster’s dictionary’s ‘new words’ as well. To add to the fun, write your story in the crime/mystery/ thriller genre, using the 2 new words, without defining them.

Try to keep as close to 500 words as you can.

Contactless – (definition) – not involving contact. Can be both the physical and technological element.

Deepfake – (definition) – an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.

Slow-walk – (definition) – to delay or prevent the progress of (something) by acting in a deliberately slow manner.

Zedonk or Zonkey – (definition) – both refer to a hybrid zebra and a donkey.

For those who would like to read again the Merriam-Webster’s article, on their new 535 new words, which is the source of the above new words, click on this link:


For those attending the call or meeting, please send your piece to Jennie to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 30 July at Neo’s Sports Bar and on Zoom. Summer lunch at Neo’s will follow the meeting directly, and is already at capacity.

When quarantine measures are lifted, it would be nice to have a get together with those members who couldn’t make it this month.

Term times:

We will run until Thursday July 30th 2020, for the summer.

We will return on Thursday 10th September until Thursday 17th December 2020, for the autumn.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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