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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 2 July 2020

Venue: Neo’s Sports Bar, Peyia and Zoom


John Goodwin (z) Bob Barker Jennie Rook (z) Richard Powell June Megennis Mike White David Greensmith Nikki Burrows Carol Robb (z)


Gill Ainsworth, Dee Leigh, Derek Whittle, Yvonne Ackrill

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

The first week of July, and it’s warming up nicely. We were in person and online again. We had many readings this week so we started promptly to get through them all. Thanks to everyone who has contributed with homework and other readings.

Please note that next week’s meeting on 9th July will be cancelled. We will meet again in the following week, Thursday 16th.


Jennie read Gill’s homework: Based on a previous week’s prompt: ‘Bleary eyed..’ – A & E – in Gill’s usual dystopian style. Feedback was given that it was easily followed and a good piece.

David: Based on a previous week’s homework – Chalk and Cheese – historical opposites and their personalities. It had interesting historical facts.

Nikki: Based on this week’s homework: Word of the month – The Changer – a nice poem of a friend and no one had known the meaning of ULOTRICHOUS.

Jennie: Based on this week’s homework: Word of the month – Crepuscular – a very descriptive passage with the definition of the new word at the end of the story.

Mike: Based on a previous week’s homework: ‘Bleary eyed and legless’ – a pub story with partial use of the prompt.

Nikki received feedback from the group around her book cover choices. We discussed the colours, changing the fonts of titles and her name, the use of The majority voted for either option 8 or 10. It’s a good start for Nikki and she will continue to refine it.

Coffee Break

Carol Robb joined us online from Walton on Thames, UK and John joined us from St Leonards on Sea, UK. Lovely to see both and we’re gathering in online members. It’s great to see some past members.


John: Based on a last week’s homework – Word of the month – ‘Ennui’ – a story of a travel writer with ennui.

David: Based on last week’s homework – Word of the month – ‘Covidiots’ – a funny and cleverly written piece describing the various types of idiots borne from COVID-19.

Rick: Chapter 9 of Roman Roads – Chichester to Epsom – another interesting chapter of the journey into Epsom, describing the salts, the downs and the route’s history.

June read for Jennifer Gardner who wishes to join the group in a month or two: Based on a previous week’s homework – Bleary eyed…’ – a very poignant, atmospheric and poetic piece. We can see much potential in Jennifer’s writing and we welcome her to the group, when she returns to Cyprus.

Bob: Chapter 4 of his new novel: ‘The Woman across the street’ – the story moves on and in this chapter we have the re-introduction of Detective Jamie Carver, of the series. Bob needs some editing replacing Stella with Della.

David: ‘Covincidents’ – another piece of familiar tales re-told with a COVID-19 theme. The usual funny tone of David who’s having great fun writing these stories.

June: A chapter from her memoirs – Touring around Europe – this one is explaining the logistics and experiences of touring with the LSO. It’s a great journey with very interesting details. June gives a really deep insight into the workings and life around the orchestra.



Write a scene from your favourite TV series. In any genre, up to 500 words.

For those attending the call or meeting, please send your piece to Jennie to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Due to various commitments from most active members of the group, next week’s meeting will be cancelled and we will re-start on 16th July.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 16 July at Neo’s Sports Bar and on Zoom.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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