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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 2 April 2020

Venue: Zoom


John Goodwin Bob Barker Jennie Rook Nikki Burrows David Greensmith

Apologies from: Richard Powell, Caroline Harman-Smith and Dee Leigh.

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

Happy April.

This week’s online meeting was held on Zoom and virtually, thanks to Bob Barker for his generosity and cooperation. We very much appreciated his leadership this week. Having said that, it was also good to see and hear slightly more of John G. (A little way to go yet but getting there with the technical aspects of online meeting.)

Overall, the attending members were happy to continue using Zoom and by next week should be able to up load files etc. Bob started the meeting with a run-through on Zoom and its capabilities. Please note that the homework files/readings will only be available to the attendees of the meetings.


Bob read for John (due to poor audio): Based on previous week’s homework: ‘Courage of my Covictions’ – a descriptive passage about his experience in East Sussex through self-distancing during the Covid-19 outbreak of 2020.

A small discussion led by John asking what the suffix ‘–hurst’ meant and Bob informed the group that the suffix of ‘-wich’ in a town’s name in UK, meant of a salt mine.

Here are some more, if you’re bored:,


Nikki: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Hitrecop’ – a short story of a great new word: Petrichor

Jennie read for Caroline (who submitted her work by email): Based on last week’s homework: ‘Zygote’ – an informative and timely piece.

David: Based on a previous week’s homework: ‘Thunder Rolls’ – a well-paced, imaginative, clever piece with highlights of the Garth Brooks song:

Nikki: Another chapter from her current WIP, ‘The Zeus Factor’ – She received good feedback from the group.

Bob: Chapter 8 of ‘A Killing Place in the Sun’ – his new book to be launched in a few days.

Rick couldn’t make it to this week’s meeting as his internet was down but sent Chapter 2 of his WIP ‘Protecting England’ which was shared to the Zoom group.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

Coffee break: Throughout the meeting


Rewrite a famous story/fairy tale and set it in a Covid-19 Lockdown.

E.g. Cinderella goes to a Skype ball, how to kiss a frog during self-distancing, does Sleeping Beauty even know what’s going on.’

For those attending the call, please upload your piece to the PWG Zoom Group (when you receive the invitation), or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 9 April on Zoom.

Thanks to all who attended, stay healthy and safe and happy writing.


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