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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 18 June 2020

Venue: Neo’s Sports Bar, Peyia and Zoom


John Goodwin (z) Bob Barker Jennie Rook (z) David Greensmith Richard Powell

Mike White Nikki Burrows Derek Whittle Caroline Harman Smith

Yvonne Ackrill (new member)

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

This week’s June meeting was held online and on Zoom. It was great to welcome Caroline back to the group, from Lockdown.

We also welcomed a new member, Yvonne Ackrill. Yvonne studied Marketing and Economics and has worked in TV and radio for over 30 years. She has edited scripts for the BBC. Yvonne explained to us that, due to the present lack of travel for her event planning work, she would like to start writing her biography, based on her professional life and travels. She is looking forward to the support and advise that PWG will give her, during the writing process. Bob began by giving Yvonne some advice on how to start her project.

Derek handed out a leaflet to all, which lists the 'Creative Writing' course books and tutorials, for any member to use whenever they need the help. Derek is managing all the books in the PWG library.


Jennie: Based on last week’s homework: The New Normal – a prophetic story about life in the UK, post COVID, in 2022.

Caroline: Based on last week’s homework: Post Lockdown blues– a personal story of life in Lockdown and its effects.

This led to a discussion by Yvonne on how she set herself a 10km walking challenge, how she felt accomplishing it and how it has changed her perspective on life and nature around her.

Derek: Based on last week’s homework: June 2020 – an authentic story written in the 1st person, from the POV of a father, set in London. A more pleasant view of life in lockdown and its various aspects.

Coffee break


David: Based on last week’s homework: Covid consequences– possible long term effects from COVID. The group thought it could be an expandable piece.

This led to a discussion on the positive impacts of lockdown.

Rick: Based on last week’s homework: As Normal as it gets– a conversation between mother and daughter interpreting the effects of lockdown and quarantining on school children and their families.

Mike: The MS Zenobia – an account of the story of the shipwreck Zenobia, off the coast of Cyprus.

A short discussion was had around other shipwrecks around the world.

Yvonne: Written while waiting for the members to arrive at the meeting: 'Why am I here?' – a well-flowing piece starting at the beginning of her life.

Feedback was offered to Yvonne on how to tackle the project. Derek mentioned to Yvonne that he had written a story for his son, which is similar to a memoir. John also took Yvonne through the method of writing a bio through memoirs. We also discussed backing up our work using an external hard drive or other storage devices, the pros and cons of storing data on USB sticks.

Nikki: Chapter 103 of The Zeus Factor – it’s the final chapter with a surprise ending. Feedback was given to Nikki regarding the ending. She will revise it.

John: Chapter 3 of Magnetic Pole – it’s a good start and not overly technical.

For the first time in months the group had more readings than time, so there will be a chance for those to read next what we didn’t have time for this week.

Jennie ended the meeting by asking who would not be present next week at Neo’s in order to keep track of attendees. Most likely, next week will be Bob’s last in –person meeting before he flies back to UK. Fingers crossed for Bob and his family.

We have more new members starting next week online and hope to welcome them in person in the new term in September.


‘Bleary-eyed, I went downstairs for breakfast, the house was empty, even the furniture had gone……..’

Write a short story using the above prompt, in any genre. Do your best to keep the word count around 500.

For those attending the call, please send your piece to Jennie to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 25 June at Neo’s Sports Bar and on Zoom.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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