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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 14 May 2020

Venue: Zoom


John Goodwin Bob Barker Jennie Rook Nikki Burrows Richard Powell

Apologies from Caroline Harman-Smith, Dee Leigh and David Greensmith.

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

This week’s 9th online meeting was held on Zoom. We are on week 2 of the Cyprus lockdown easing and it seems to be going really well with very low cases.

We had plenty of laughs this week from the homework pieces.

Lockdown breeds creativity! Thank you to everyone who is contributing, both on and offline.


John: Magnetic Pole Prologue – feedback was given to John and he will make revisions where he sees fit.

John also read his extract from Norm and Dig’s Part II book, based on last week’s homework: Anti-Alliteration – ‘wildly imaginative’ was the overall feel, with full use of alliteration in prose.

Nikki: Based on last week’s homework: Murder most malicious – A story using alliteration effectively.

Rick: Based on last week’s homework: Stane alliteration – a walk through Stane Street to Chichester using alliteration all the way. Works well.

Bob read for David (who sent his work by email): Based on last week’s homework: Roll On – a brilliant use of alliteration. A great piece.

Jennie read for Caroline (who sent her work by email): Based on last week’s homework: Help! – Another way to use alliteration in prose and how not to over-use the theme. It worked very well in a story.

Jennie: Based on last week’s homework: Limerick – celebrating Limerick Day (this week) and using alliteration. Fun to write and to repeat to all.

Bob shared his paperback book and E-book ‘blurbs’ for Amazon with the group, as he wanted some feedback on which we preferred out of the two. Feedback was given and much appreciated by Bob.

Rick received feedback on his travelogue chapter, which had been distributed to the group by email, to be discussed during the meeting. Overall impressions are that Rick’s style suits his travelogue book and he’s making it a very interesting read. We all look forward to hearing/reading more.

After all readings and feedbacks, returning to Neo’s as our meeting venue, was discussed. Jennie will call the proprietors of Neo’s next week to find out their plans for re-opening while keeping within the government guidelines and internet use for those connecting from the U.K.

We will be able to discuss the matter more, during the meeting next week. If anyone would like to contribute more ideas, please email of message John or Jennie. Nikki kindly offers ‘The Roost’ in Polemi, as a meeting venue option for us, when we are able to get together, human to human.

PWG normally ‘shuts down’ over the summer from late July till early September mostly due to the excessive heat and holidays. We will continue with Zoom/Skype though, for the next 2 weeks until further notice.

Should anything change before next week’s meeting, all will be notified here on the website.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.

Coffee break: Throughout the meeting


Word of the Month:

Take note of any word that is new to you, that you’ve overheard or read this month. Write a piece around that word, making good use of its meaning. In any genre, up to 500 words.

For those attending the call, please send your piece to Jennie to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 21 May (the first day of the 2nd Phase of lifting lockdown in Cyprus) on Zoom.

Thanks again, to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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