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Minutes of Our Meeting of 9th June 2022 Venue Coral Beach Taverna, Pegeia. Cyprus.

Greetings fellow writers.

Present at today's venue: Rick, Mike, Bob, Julie, Steven.

Via Skype: Dee. John, Nikki.

Apologies from: Gina and June.

Meeting commenced at 10-30.

Readings began with:

Rick: 'Traditional Cyprus Food'. A plethora of Cypriot culinary delights, a work in progress as Rick has been commissioned to write this piece.

Bob: 'Chapter 7 of Breathe Free'. A first draft of his work in progress

Coffee break 11-14 11-19

Nikki: 'The Killer'. A chapter from her work in progress, ‘A Pair of Killer Heels’.

Mike: 'Utopian Life'. Based on last week’s prompt.

Dee: 'Forlorn Woman' a new piece copy to be uploaded soon.

Julie: A lovely use of language in this poem.

Steven: 'Ode to an Elephant' a tribute to the Jumbo Superstore.

A discussion ensued on the tutorials we used to use. John will upload one for next week Also it was agreed that we will take a break for the summer. We decided on our last meeting will be on July 14th and resume on the first Thursday in September.

John: A further extract from ‘An Elf in the Machine'. Already published as an E-Book on Smashwords.

Many thanks to all who attended, both physically and virtually. And to Rick who set up Skype links for us. To Gina for all communication issues, John for keeping the website going and Dee for taking the minutes.

Prompt for next week: 'Long Language'.

See you all next week.


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