Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of our Meeting of 6th October 2022 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus,
Present: Patti, Maria, Rick, Steve, Mike W. & Bob
On Skype: June and briefly John
The meeting commenced with a reading by Rick of a chapter from his latest travel book about the Paphos region of Cyprus “The North Coast”. The episode describes the route and history from Polis to the Akamas peninsular.
Patti gave us another interesting homework contribution - a clever poem based on her memory as a teenager on a “Saturday Night” out at a local nightclub. Steve suggested it could possibly become the lyrics to a song.
Bob read Chapter 17 of his latest crime thriller “Breathe Free”, which reveals the difficult situation in which the missing German couple now find themselves.
June read an excerpt from her book 'Tears & Symphony' as her homework contribution to “Where do we go from here?' She tells a true story about an extraordinary meeting with Edward Heath.
Mike gave us another homework contribution entitled “Where do we go from here?’ about a man who stoically resists the advancement of technology and , unlike most other people, is able to continue life as usual after a solar flare disrupts the planet and technology comes to a halt.
Maria read an extract from an autobiography she is attempting to write. She asked the Group for advice as to whether anyone would find her unusual story interesting. It is about a child of a Cypriot family living and growing up in London, endeavouring to establish an identity.There was positive reaction from everyone and she was encouraged to continue.
Steve entertained us with the first part of a story he had written entitled “Virtual Vacuum’, a child’s obsession with a cooker after he forgot to turn it off and burnt his porridge, and, together with other children also obsessed with various electrical devices, joins a White Goods club run by his domestic science teacher. We look forward to the next instalment.