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Minutes of our Meeting of 3rd February 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia

Greetings fellow writers.

Present at today's meeting at the coral star. June. Dee. Gina. Rick. Michael.

Via skype. John. Nikki. Bob.

Readings began with:

John: 'Infinity'. A very cleverly devised alternative to the big bang theory.

Rick: 'Travel log ch10'. 'Ferring to Littlehampton'.

Formatted with photographs at each place visited. Well researched. Due to be published next month.

Bob: 'Keep the gate closed'. The continuation his ghost story work in progress.

Mike: 'I haven't got it with me'. An amusing tale about a golf ball, adhering to the limit of only one hundred words.

Mike: Inspired from last week's homework 'Lost'. A reflection on how we are ruining the planet. Thought provoking and how we are destroying the world we inhabit.

Nikki: 'Find out and Flog It.' An evocative story, well written, humorous, with a lovely twist at the end.

Dee: 'All in the mind'. Inspired from last week's Prompt.

Prompt for next week. 'Musical memories'.

Many thanks to Rick for setting up the skype connection. and Gina for all the contact and administration work. Thank you to all who physically and virtually attended see you all next week.


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