Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of Our Meeting of: 28th October 2021 Venue: Coral Star, Coral Bay. and on Skype.
Time: 10am meet for 10:30 start
In Person: Rick Powell, Claudine Snell, Mike White, June Megennis,
Gina Angeletta.
On Skype: Bob Barker, Nikki Burrows.
Apologies: John Goodwin, Dee Leigh, Jennifer Gardner.
The meeting opened with some discussion of the Children’s book Jennifer has written which had an excellent write up in Cyprus Mail with a picture of the Author. Jennifer attended the Kamares Club AGM and sold 25 books to the attendees on the day. She is also having a stand at the PAWS coffee morning on Saturday 6th November in aid of the charity.
The first homework piece was from June called ‘Halloween’, a spooky tale of Sally and Johnny in the graveyard at midnight with ghostly goings-on. Discussion followed on the use of names commenting on the importance of appropriate names for the time of the piece.
The second reading was from Rick called ‘My Ghostly Pub’. A true and humorous tale of the time this ‘crazy Canadian’ bought a pub in Seaford, England which had numerous ghostly visitations. Rick sold this article to Fate Magazine, an American publication which was his first income producing piece.
Mike followed with a funny Witches and Witchcraft piece called ‘Which Witch’ highlighting the attitude to witches in times gone by, ending with an amusing and unexpected twist. Mike writes for ‘Paphos People’ an online forum and has submitted approximately 25 article to date.
Next, Bob read another riveting chapter from his ‘Breathe Again’ novel about Kit and Brandon. He tells us there are 8 more chapters to conclude the work. Bob is due out on the 17th for 12 days so we look forward to seeing him in person at our meeting.
Nikki wrote a spooky short story with her usual flair called ‘Hippocratic Oath’; based on a possible book that she has in mind. We all enjoyed the piece and thought it would make a good novel.
Finally, Claudine told us about ‘True Blue’ her book based on her life story. Claudine would appreciate any help from PWG members to upload it to Amazon. She self-published and had the book printed in Bulgaria but is struggling to promote it further.
Writing Prompt for next week: Carrots or Carats With Thanks to Gina for taking the Minutes