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Minutes of Our Meeting of 27th April 2023 Venue: Coral star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus

Present at venue; Rick, June, Mike, Alan, Peter, Bobby and Patti.

On Skype: John, Jordi and Dee.

Patti read Revenge. This was an interesting take on animals’ revenge, usually when mistreated by humans. Demonstrating how they wait their time, then attack with devastating consequences for the tormentors.

Mike read Revenge. The story of how ‘Hell hath no Fury’ like that of a woman scorned.

John read Revenge. ‘No holds barred’ The story of how a pub was wrecked over an argument between a scientist and a religious believer.

Rick read the first chapter of ‘Missing Pictures’ his third book in the Mike and Valerie series. A stolen painting is delivered

June read ‘Obituary for common sense’ showing the way that common sense has disappeared in the modern world that we live in.

Peter read ‘Satanist Anonymous’ a TV script for a sitcom. Again with dark overtones.

Jordi read ‘The Atlantean Army’ describing the Battle of Kadesh, showing the similarity of many of the observers accounts. The sheer size of the allied armies was demonstrated in the analysis's.

Alan read two pieces ‘Five Seconds’ and ‘Pigs in Paradise’ The first about a man with mental problems and the second about life in a bizarre village!

Bobby had news of an appearance on Local Radio ‘Rock FM’ as a guest on Paul Harris’ show on 13th May 9-12 am. They will be discussing his books and his writings.

Once again a good and varied range of subjects.

Next week’s prompt. Write a piece in the present tense, or in the second person. or even both.


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