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Minutes of our Meeting of 24 March 2022 Venue: Coral Star Taverna.

Present at the venue: Rick, Gina, Marian, Frances, Jezebel, Dee, Maria, Steven, Bob, Patti.

Via: Skype June, and john.

With so many new members present the meeting opened with a round of introductions.

Readings began:

Mike, with a response to the Spring prompt. He is in the UK at the moment, however, he managed to send a story in called 'Spring is Just Around the Corner'. Read out on his behalf by Gina.

John: 'The Diary of a Victorian Housewife'. Part 1 of a serial in five parts. A period piece that got as far as development for BBC radio.

June: 'Spring lamb'. The heart wrenching short life of a lamb at easter, poignantly told in first person.

Maria: 'Application Form'. A poem on how she was undecided as to which box in government forms.

Patti: Read out one of her restaurant reviews published a journal, which she has many published articles on various food venues.

Rick: 'Investigation - Ch6' The continuation of his work in progress novel

Frances: 'This Spring'. A descriptive poem of Spring.

Bob: Postponed reading the final part of ‘Keep the Gate Closed’ due to time constraints

Meeting closed at 12 33.

Prompt for next week:. 'A Ghostly Theme'.

Thanks to all who virtually, and physically attended. See you next week. At the same time and place.

Thanks to Rick for setting up the Skype connection and for Gina, who attends to all communication and administration matters. Minutes by Dee Leigh.


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