Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of our Meeting of 21st April 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia
Greetings fellow writers.
Present at the Coral Star: Gina. Mike. Rick. Stephen. Patti. Maria.
Via Skype: Dee. John. Nikki. June. Bob.
Readings began with:
John: 'The Wedding'. Chapter 2 of his latest book 'The Last Count'. A work in progress.
Coffee break 11 -00 11-16.
John left the meeting at 11-26. June left the meeting at 11-28.
Maria Brought in a file of reference pieces gathered over the years that the PWG has been running. She found it in our library and will produce an index so that we can assess how best to use it.
Rick: 'Gossip'. Chapter 9 of his Work in Progress.
Bob: 'Breathe Free'. Ch1. The exciting start to Bob's new work in progress. A crime novel set in Cyprus.
Mike: 'On Reflection'. A comical study of the young Mike.
Patti: 'A Reflection'. A true account of Cyprus, on her visit to Cyprus.
Eddie: ‘House with No Mirrors’ A poem sent in response to our prompt by UK based member read out by Stephen
Nikki:'Reflection my Reflection'. A poem from the view of Nikki, as she looks in the mirror.
Stephen: ‘Tale of a Sad Little Boy who makes things,’ The opening of work in progress with illustrations presented in a number of PDF files on the Skype page.
Bob posted a link to a free online PDF file merge programme that might be useful in future.
Maria: ‘The Fight Within.’ A really effective, honest poem.
Dee: 'Reflection'. Study of an old man's memories.
Prompt for next week: 'My Favourite Animal.'
Many thanks to all who physically, and virtually attended. And to Gina, and Rick for setting up the Skype connection for us.And for all administrative and communication issues. To John, for the web site maintenance. Minutes by Dee.