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Minutes of our Meeting of 18th November 2021 Venue Coral Star Taverna.

Greetings fellow writers. Present today at Coral Star: Bob. Jennifer. Claudine. Mike. Rick. Dee. Gina. June.

Via Skype: John and Nikki.

Apologies from Jennie, who is not very well. We all wish you speedy recovery Jennie.

Readings began with:

Bob. 'Breathe again'. The continuation of his superb thriller novel.

Rick. Chapter 1 the perils of Mike and Val in Lewes England. Sequel to his first novel.

A discussion ensued regarding Rick's chapter.

June: 'Ostrich Farming'. A study of ostrich farming, and benefits as a food source are known to be cholesterol free. their eggs are being studied for certain diseases, e.g. heart conditions.

Jennifer: 'Defiled'. This triggered a discussion regarding dialogue to develop characters including to show rather than tell.

Coffee break 1135-1145.

Nikki: 'O’Learys Conundrum' From last week's prompt. Problems with flights and the voucher that never seemed to get used, due to Airline delays.

Mike: 'What's in a name'. Jeremiah Stynx

Rick: 'Christmas in Scotland'. A beautiful piece with added photos of each place visited. Rich in culture deep in tradition. Download from Skype to see in full colour.

John: 'A Sassenach's guide to Robbie Burns night'. A comical, history, and tradition of the great Scottish poet Rabbie Burns.

Meeting closed at 1:10

Thank you to all who attended. Many thanks to Rick and Gina for setting up Skype. Minutes by Dee.

Writing prompt for next week 'I turned on the TV/ Radio and couldn't believe what I saw/heard'.

Next meeting 25th November with option to stay on for lunch.


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