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Minutes of Our Meeting of 16th June 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia

Present at the venue: Rick. June. Bob. Patti. Steven. Mike. Bobby. Michael. Bob.

Via Skype: Dee. john. Nikki.

Apologies: Gina, Jenny & June.

Greetings fellow writers.

Three new members joined us at Coral Star this week.

By way of introduction we all outlined our history within the group, writing achievements and ambitions.

John talked us through a writing exercise using a clustering layout to create a three dimensional character. Download of templates and instructions available from our Skype chat or from the “Tutorials” Page on our Website (Creating a Character).

Coffee break 11:27-11:38.

First readings began with:

Mike: 'Communication Gestures'. A humorous take on the writing prompt from last week of Non Language.

Rick Introduce an article on correct comma usage. Also available from our Skype chat or the “Tutorials” Page on our Website.

John responded with: 'Suicide Note of a Wanabe Novelist'. Losing the will to live over the humble comma.

New member, Michael, read from his collection of stories regarding grammar.

Rick: ‘Adventures in France.’ Chapter 14 of his work in progress.

Bob: Chapter 8 of ‘Breathe Free.' His work in progress.

Nikki: ‘Post Mortem’. Part of a chapter of her new work in progress, ‘A Pair of Killer Heals.’

Dee: 'Ok Brian' a naughty story.

Meeting closed at 1235.

Many thanks to all who attended physically, or virtually. Thank you to rick, for setting up Skype, Gina who for admin and john who keeps the web site up and running. Minutes Dee Leigh.

Prompt for next week. Fill in your cluster for character and write a short piece or extract to show how they develop in the story.


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