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Minutes of Our Meeting of 13 April 2023. Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegia

Present at Venue: Mike, Patti, Rick, Peter & Neil

On Skype: Jordi, Bob, John & June

Patti read her prompt contribution 'Festival of Spring' - a portrait of the history, traditions and celebrations of Spring around the world.

Peter then read a script he had written for a Northern Ireland BBC competition, entitled 'A Witch called Janine McClendon’. Set during Halloween, a middle aged woman believes herself to be a witch but eventually has to face the truth.

Mike read 'Spring has a sprung' in which he describes an early spring morning walk with his dog.

June continued the Spring theme with an essay about how some famous classical music composers were inspired by Spring and vividly portrayed the sights and sounds in their compositions.

Rick next read 'Body in the Studio, a prologue for his next novel entitled 'The Missing Paintings'

He then treated us to a travelogue 'Travelling Alone' which he has submitted to a US magazine.

John then read an amusing poem, entitled 'Spring Sale'.

Jordi asked for the Group’s comments on a text he has written for the back of his book about Atlantis. He also asked views on the design for the front cover.

Bob closed the meeting with Chapter 39 of 'Breath Free'. Pavlos is unable to resist Senoro’s sex appeal.

Suggest prompt for next week 'homework'

JKM 14/4/2023


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