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Minutes of Our Meeting of 12th January 2023 Venue Coral Star Taverna Coral Bay Cyprus

Present: Rick, Mike White, Peter & Neil

On Skype: John, Jordi, Bobby, June & Bob

The meeting commenced at 10.30a.m and welcomed new members Peter and Neil.

John gave the first reading entitled 'Techno Scandal,' an example of how one might become the victim of an embarrassing situation due to not understanding latest technology.

Mike followed with 'First Love Never Dies' two conflicting versions of the same story.

Rick continued his latest published novel in the Mike and Valery Mysteries called 'Lost Art'. Chapter 28th, entitled 'Lavi' includes an informative account of the conflict taking place at the time of the evacuation of Jewish refugees from Europe to the newly established state of Israel,

June read 'Season of Cheer and Goodwill’ a compilation of extracts taken from her biography 'Tears and Symphony'.

Bob read Chapter 28 from’Breathe Free’. An interesting meeting takes place in a Paphos nightclub.

Jordi continued the next instalment entitled 'British Atlanteans’, in which he gives a detailed chapter and verse account of early middle eastern influences discovered in Great Britain and Ireland.

Bobby read an amusing account of a 'Boxing Day Walk'.

There were no other contributions.

Suggested theme for the next meeting on January 19th, ’Conspiracy’.

Before the meeting closed a discussion took place following Joh’s earlier request, that a membership fee should be reintroduced. Everyone present agreed and Rick offered to speak to John to find out the costs involved in renewing the website and any other outstanding monies owed to him. Bob undertook to pass on collected contributions to John following his return to the UK from Cyprus in March.




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