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Minutes of our Meeting of 11th May 2023 Venue Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus.

At venue. Rick, Mike, Bob, Peter, Elaine, Patti, and Jordi.

On Skype. John.

The meeting began at 10:30 with discussion and technical advice to Jordi regarding publishing his book.

Patti: ‘All shall be well’ an in depth look at platitudes, well researched as usual showing the different examples of platitudes, some funny, some meaningless and some comforting to vulnerable people.

Mike: ‘Platitudes’ a humourous look at platitudes and the realisation of how many times we use them in everyday communications.

Rick: ‘Festivals in Cyprus’ a travelogue of the annual festivals in Cyprus which he has had published on line for the same company who have taken his other work. Much edited but essentially Ricks.

Bob: Chapter 41 of ‘Breath Free’. Samorn tells Pavlos all she knows about Edmund Hart’s ‘parties’. In turn he confirms her suspicions about Jamie and Megan unaware of course that they are being listened to. All hell breaks loose when the police back up car outside is rammed, at the same time, three hooded men burst into the flat with devastating consequences for the couple. Great stuff!

Jordi: ‘Precious metals’ Presenting evidence of extensive copper mining in Cyprus, the production of alloys such as bronze and brass. Very interesting, and informative.

John: ‘Chapter 19 There’s No Business like Show Business’ and ‘Chapter 20 Pirates on Stage’ Very funny account of the concert for the King of Everest. The pirates show includes Jack’s parrot who hearing his master’s voice flies over to perch on his head.

What have the Apes got planned … Can’t wait.

Elaine: ‘Charles Atlas’ very funny account about a body builder on the dating site, who puts his back out just before flying out to Cyprus. Ending up with the wrong person spending the weekend flat on their back! Very funny!

Peter: ‘Satanist Anonymous’ Continuing his hilarious script for a television sitcom. A bizarre and funny story.

Next week’s subject: DECISIONS. Put forward by John.


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