Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of Our Meeting of 11th February 2021 Venue Skype Only.
Greetings fellow writers.
Present at today's meeting via Skype. Gina, Dee, John, Nikki, Bob, Rick.
Apologies from June, and Jennie.
Thanks to Gina for all administration matters and to Dee taking the minutes.
Readings began at 9.00am:
Nikki: “A different view.” An unusual sci fi story with a sharp sad twist at the end.
John: “Spirits of the Forest. (part two.)” A lovely fairy story, with a unicorn called Apollo.
John asked for the group’s opinion on how to end the story while retaining the traditional Fairy-tale genre. Many constructive suggestions were offered.
Comfort break: 11.55 Readings Continued: 12.00
Dee: “Reflection.” a ghost story.
Rick: “Krakow.” A travelers guide which will be published in the 'International Living Magazine'.
He will be sending us a link to his work when published.
Gina: “Equine love.” a section of Gina's autobiography, beautiful imagery, of her wonderful horses, and experiences as a young girl
Bob: Continued with a chapter from his work in progress:
Homework challenge for next week: “Writing in the third person present tense.”
Meeting ended at 1pm
Many thanks to all who virtually attended. See you next week.