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Minutes of Our Meeting of 10th November 2022 Venue Coral Star Taverna Coral Bay Cyprus.


At the Venue: Patti, Rick, Stephen, June. Mike, Bobby.
On Skype: John, Bob, Nikki.
Apologies Jordi, Gina.
The meeting commenced at 10.30 am and was chaired by Rick, who welcomed everyone.
Last week’s prompt: Provide a pitch for a TV or radio programme. The members were then invited to read out their offerings:
John: Pitch for “Kid’s Army” a TV series based around a WW2 evacuee and set in Walmington on sea AKA Dad’s Army.
Rick: Pitch for a series of TV History Documentaries in southern UK.
Nikki: Pitch for “Grid” a six part TV series set in the world of motor racing with a female protagonist.
Mike: “The Story So Far”
Stephen: Proposed episodes for Dr Who.
Bobby: A story (Best described as Derry Girls meets Father Ted meets Call the Midwife)
Bob: Ch 22 Breath Free The plot thickens.

Last week Rick announced that each week one member of the group would be asked to provide a homework prompt. This week it is Mike’s turn.

Homework prompt for reading on17th November: “I could have been . . .” thinking of an alternative career path you might have followed.

The meeting concluded at 12.30.


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