Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of meeting 5th September 2024 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus. 0.30 to 12.30.
After a long hot summer, we had our first meeting of the Autumn.
At venue: Rick, Mike, John E. Patti. Irene. Jackie, Mick.
Rick: Another U-Tube episode from Rick’s book which is now published Sussex Coastal Road. This section covered the stretch from Eastbourne to Seaford taking in Beachy-head cliffs which are eroding by three feet each year. Properties are being lost as the sea advances. The National Trust is in charge of the area so no new development has taken place.
Irene: Favourite songs
Irene’s favourite songs through her childhood and indeed life with specific memories attached to each one.
Rick: Chapter 21 of his ongoing book,
Val and Mike plan a trip to Munich to track the picture which is being sent to Paris.
There is a confrontation at the station with the result that Ross is shot dead Edards is caught, they try to board the train but it is halted by an emergency stop!
Mike What a Blinder!
Fred is a blind man with his beloved guide dog, Milo. He launches his plan to raise money for charity by performing a solo parachute jump with disastrous results for Milo.
Patti Favourite Song
Patti remembers hearing Morning has broken for the first time and it has stayed with her throughout her life with many happy memories.
John E. The disclaimer
John recalls his youthful experience with a Ouja board and it recurs through his life when a voice warns him of dangers that could have resulted in his death. A visit to a clairvoyant in later life reveals thet he has a Guardian Angel Francis May which was his Grandmother.
Mick Creepy Story.
Mick recalls visiting a friend in hospital who is in a coma, but has contacts of a different type, then when he wakes up four years later he is aware of what has been going on !!
No skype contacts this week and it will take a bit of time for us all to get back in the stride of things.