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PWG Minutes of the meeting 5 March 2020

Venue: Neo’s Sports Club, Peyia


Mike White Jennie Rook Dee Leigh David Greensmith Derek Whittle Caroline Harman-Smith Nikki Burrows Richard Powell Gillian Ainsworth

Apologies from June Megennis.

Greetings Scribes,

A full house for World Book Day, and great to welcome Nikki Burrows back to the group. Mike held this week’s meeting, saying a few words regarding John’s departure. Derek announced he would take requests for books from the library, by any member at any time.


Derek: Based on last week’s homework: The Witch – ‘Vrajitore’ – the story of a Romanian village, benevolent witch.

This led to a discussion about migration and deserted villages and freezing pigs in ice, in the ground.


Gillian: Based on last week’s homework: The Witch – ‘In the light of day’.

David: Based on last week’s homework: The Witch – ‘Witch’s Gorge’ – a tale inspired by the witch of Kathikas.

Dee: Based on a previous week’s homework and last week’s homework: Toxic and The Witch – a story of a toxic woman leading to a mysterious foretelling man, to be continued.

Mike: Based on last week’s homework: The Witch – ‘Which Witch’ – An amusing tale of the old turning into a new breed of witches.

This led to a discussion on how nations are governed, gun laws in the U.S. and the readiness of owning a gun in U.S. and Cyprus.

Coffee break: 11:00 – 11:30

World Book Day game led by Jennie:

Jennie asked members to bring some books to the meeting. There were a mix of classics and unknown titles of different genres. The essence of the game is to write the opening line of the book with only the knowledge of the title, the author and hearing the synopsis of the book.

With the collated, imagined first lines and the true first line, the group must guess which the true version is, when read aloud.

This was a fun game which got the imagination flowing for a short time, in the group. It led to a discussion on how many other opening lines of favourite books we could recollect and made us want to go back to check more books in our collections. (Derek borrowed ‘Cider with Rosie’ and ‘Brave New World’, from Jennie).


‘I always wanted more’

Write a story or poem in any genre, up to 500 words, using the above prompt.

Imagine you had a job for life, but you really wanted to be doing something else or wanting more in your life.

For example: I was a till operator at Tesco supermarket but I dreamt of being a ‘Bond Girl’.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 12 March at Neo’s Sports Club.

Thanks to all who attended and happy writing.

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