Minutes of the Meeting 20 February 2020 Venue: Neo’s Sports Club, Pegeia

John Goodwin, Jennie Rook, Dee Leigh, David Greensmith, June Megennis, Caroline Harman-Smith, Michael White, Richard Powell, Gillian Ainsworth.
Apologies from Rich Palmer who is still recovering from his knee surgery and Derek Whittle.
Greetings Scribes,
A good meeting with plenty of readings. It was nice to welcome Gill back from the UK.
David: Based on last week’s homework: Toxic – a royal piece which led to a small discussion on various members of the British royal family.
Rick: Based on last week’s homework: Toxic – ‘A strange tale from Riverside’ – inspired by a true story about a ‘toxic’ woman.
Jennie: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Toxic’ – a non-fiction piece of toxic items from history and the etymology of ‘Treacle’.
Gillian: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Toxic’ – ‘BottleFish’ – a story of the last day of the last man on earth’s suffering, during climate change.
John: Based on last week’s homework: ‘Toxic’ – an extract from a story of immortality.
This led to a discussion on living forever and living longer.
Coffee break: 11:00 – 11:30
David: Based on a previous week’s homework: What’s In A Name? – a piece about corporate re-branding and its consequences.
This led to a discussion on other re-branding successes and failures.
Mike: Based on a previous week’s homework: Anger Management – an extended story.
Speed writing challenge:
In 5 minutes, illustrate someone’s state of mind without telling the reader which emotions they are feeling, e.g. anger, fear, happiness, joy etc.
Readings from each member with their speed writing challenge results.
A discussion followed on how to proceed with future meetings, when John leaves, after the next meeting. Mike offered to lead the first few meetings, with support of other members. Jennie will continue to keep the website and Facebook page updated. Any other volunteers to help with the website will be appreciated, although some technical knowledge is required.
‘Show don’t Tell’
Continue your story with the Speed writing challenge during this week’s meeting, as above.
Write a story or poem in any genre, up to 500 words, using the format of ‘showing not telling’.
Next meeting will be on: Thursday 27 February at Neo’s Sports Club.
Thanks to all who attended and happy writing.