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Minutes of the Meeting 29 November 2018 Venue: Neo’s Sports Club, Pegeia


John Goodwin, Jennie Rook, Gillian Ainsworth, Michael White, Derek Whittle, Pat Wilson, Svetlana Garshina.


Rich Palmer June Megennis Nikki Burrows

Greetings Scribes,

This week’s theme of the meeting was ‘reminiscing’, as much of the discussions were about memories. The meeting began with a short discussion about pianos. Members told various stories about when they bought, moved, gifted or came across pianos.


Derek ‘The Neo body’ based upon last week’s murder mystery exercise

Svetlana Testimony based upon last week’s murder mystery exercise

Michael ‘It wasn’t me, honest’ based upon last week’s murder mystery exercise

John ‘Trumped based upon last week’s murder mystery exercise

Gillian ‘The Great Short Challenge’ based on a homework with the prompt ‘Trapped’

John led a 5 minute word test to list as many words ending in '-IAN'. There exists around 2,330 words in the English language. The group managed around 30.

Coffee break: 11.00 am to 11.15 am

John updated the group about his collection of short stories ‘Take a look in my Shorts’ which is now available on Kindle.

A discussion was held about how long a ‘short story’ equates to.

Jennie read an online article which states the lengths of various writings, however, these word counts vary from publisher to publisher. The meme can be found in the Tutorials section of the PWG website (


Jennie ‘Playing with fire’ 4th edit of the chapter from her children’s fantasy fiction novel (due to be published next year).

A discussion led on about children’s stories being read by our parents, from a child’s POV, member’s memories of being read to and the emergence of TV and how technology will effect young readers in the future.

Homework: Create a world in the Fantasy genre. Your world must have rules. Go to the Tutorials page and scroll down to find an article on writing a fantasy.

Next meeting will be on Thursday 6th December at Neo’s Sports Club.

Christmas lunch will be held on Thursday 20th December.


We will have a table at the Carmines Christmas party on Starting at mid-day on Saturday there will be a variety of craft stalls, live music, food and drink available. Please come along and help promote the group. Also if you have published books bring them along and we will try and sell one or two.

Thanks to all who attended the meeting and happy writing.

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