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This Week's Challenge.

As a change from our usual format this week we have a MURDER MYSTERY to resolve.

Members who attended the meeting were asked to imagine that at the end of the meeting Seargent Savas of the Paphos police prevented them from leaving until he had taken a statement. The only reason he gave was that a body of a young woman was found in the room across the other side of the bar.

He showed a photograph of her which no one admitted to recognizing. and asked the simple question did you hear or see anything during the course of the meeting. The members had 5 minutes to write down their answers before reading them out. These responses are binding.

Now for your CLUE: the woman has been identified as Monica Caswinski, Traveling alone and newly arrived from the US. She has been staying in the Neptune hotel.

For those who did not attend you may wish to consider who attended the meeting, who was

late and possibly of significance who didn't. But you will have to read the minutes to check this out. There will be a further clue at the end of the minutes that follow shortly.

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