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Minutes of the meeting 01 Nov 2018. Venue: Neo's Sports Club, Pegeia

Greetings scribes.

Another vibrant meeting, creating interest and enthusiasm, long may it continue.

Present: John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Maurice Holloway, Caroline Harman -Smith, Michael White, Anne Joyce, June Megennis, Mary Duffy, Derek Whittle, Ala Khalil and guest Pat Wilson,

Guest/ New member, introduced herself:

South African born Pat, is as former member of writing group in Wiltshire U.K. She now lives in Cyprus and likes writing fiction mostly short stories, not yet published.

John gave details of his new children's eBook titled 'An Elf and a machine and other stories'

Follow this link.

It’s up for $1.99 but if you follow the link, buy it then use promo code DF89M on checkout and IT’S FREE. It comes in all formats and you are welcome to share it with anyone you think might enjoy it.

Readings contributions based on a writing prompt given priority:

June Story Brief Encounter

Pat Story Struck

Rich Story The Dim-witted Terrorist

Maurice Story Struck

Caroline Story Struck

Mike Story Struck Dumb

Coffee break to

Anne Story Frontiers

Anne Poem Struck

Derek Story Struck One

John Story Sid and Me, a Horses Tail. (not from prompt)

Writing prompt: Complete the clustering template provided below as follows:

In the centre oval write the focus of your story; (A person, a theme, an event, a premise) then add a note as to why.

In the surrounding ovals. Write the cardinal events that affected the focus. One might be the background others might be traumatic or decisive moments that led to the focus’ being of interest.

Having done that create a story or poem tying the events together and to the focus without wandering off the main subjects.

N.B. you can download a fresh template from our tutorials page.

Thanks to all who attended, next meeting 8th, November at Neos as usual.

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