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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting 28 June 2018

Venue: Neo’s Sports Club, Peyia


Bob Barker Rich Palmer Jennie Rook Michael White

Caroline Harman Smith Evey Morgan Tony Samson Dee Leigh

Greetings Scribes,

It was nice to have our chairman, John Goodwin back from Ireland. Bob Barker chaired the meeting which was interesting and informative.

John told us about his experience in Ireland at the 'Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival' in Sligo. Ann Joyce launched her poetry book and sold 50 copies on the day. Well done Ann.


Dee prose 'The Watcher' by Dean Koontz An exercise to extract a poem from of a prose.

Tony story 'I haven't brought one with me'

Michael story 'I haven't got it with me' The lost golf ball.

Evey story 'Kick off'

Caroline story '101'

Evey story 'Ergo, I am'

Rich poem 'In the eyes of a child'

John gave us a word test to list as many words, that weren’t adjectives to describe, 'angry'.

Coffee break: 11.00 am to 11.15 am


Caroline story 'Death on Proxima' part 2.

Rich announced that he has been asked to write a biography for a well-known person in Cyprus. Name to be disclosed at the next meeting.

A discussion followed on Caroline’s story, 'What to do with it'.


Mike story 'Clair' A very emotional account of a cancer sufferer.

Dee poem 'A mature student'

John poem 'Public speaking

Homework: Write a story or poem about 'Anger' but do not use direct 'Anger' words. Show, don't tell.

Next meeting will be on Thursday 5th July at Neo’s Sports Club.

Final meeting will be on Thursday 19 July and lunch on Thursday 12th July.

Thanks to all who attended and happy writing.

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