Minutes of the meeting 12 April 2018 Venue: Neos Sports Club, Pegeia.
Greetings scribes, another well attended and lively meeting with plenty of homework in-put.
Present: John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Charles Hadaad, June Megennis, Paul Trebess, Evey Morgan, Michael White, Dee Leigh, John Eaton, Caroline-Harman-Smith,
Guest: Eden Crawley.
John called on potential new member Eden to introduce herself: Having studied creative writing at university, she is currently writing a fantasy book for young adults.
Readings :
Evey Story Horror Scope.
Paul Story The Hand.
June Story All in an April morning.
Caroline Story The Watcher.
Micheal Story Horrific Story.
John G Story Party Girl.
Coffee break: 11.0.am to 11.15.am.
Eden Story Extract from her book.
John E Story Trojan Horse.
Micheal Story Paradise Lost.
Writing prompt: Write a story about or from the point of view of an animal. 500 words.
You can use an Anthropomorphic or Non-anthropomorphic approach.
Thanks to all who attended, next meeting 17/04/18 at Neos as usual.