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Minutes of PWG Meeting 01/03/2017


Jordi Guri John Goodwin Nikki Burrows

Jennie Rook Caroline Harman-Smith Peggy Barnes Gill Ainsworth

Maurice Holloway Mary Duffy June Macguinnis Charles Hadda


Paul Trebess Michael and Pat White

The meeting commenced at 10am and was chaired by JG, who welcomed everyone. He and Caroline announced that the “Canterbury Tales stage play had started well and invited members to go and see it.

John then gave out the handout describing “how to create an ending”. Available in Tutorials.

During the morning, Jenny read out her research into the original endings to well-known and more obscure fairy tales, most of which were very gruesome.


The members were then invited to read out their offerings based on the homework to create an ending.

Maurice The ending

Caroline The end

Nikki Destiny

There were then introductions of the guests/prospective members and as part of this, Paul read his piece which won a Daily Telegraph 150 word competition regarding his experiences of Provence.

Other readings

Michael Tales from the pub

Gill Continuation from previous work

June Introduction to her memoirs Tea and Symphony.

Writing Prompt:

So, having looked at beginnings and endings now for the hard part. Write or bring in an extract from the middle of a story. Of course, if it is short enough you can include the whole thing. Please try to keep it to about 500 words as with rising numbers we will need to give everyone a chance.

Also as we do have the room until 12.30 we may over run so if you need to get away sharp let us know so that we can get to your offering in time.

The meeting concluded at 12.00.

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