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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 26 November 2020

Venue: Skype


John Goodwin Jennie Rook Bob Barker Richard Powell Gina Angeletta June Megennis

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

A delayed start to this week’s meeting due to technical hitches but we finally got going around 11:30 on Skype, welcoming June online.


John: Based on last week’s homework – Crazy Cracy – a reflection on current times.

June: Based on last week’s homework: Minimony – a sweet story of a couple trying to get married during the Covid-19 epidemic in Cyprus.

June: Cyprus Life – an extract from June’s book around the musical and cultural aspects of Cyprus with June’s experiences and tips on local cultural events.

A discussion was had after, around the best channels to publish June’s book within the musical non-fiction genre.


Gina: Based on last week’s homework: Detera - a story written from an insect’s POV. Gina is wanting to write in the anthropomorphism style for her book, with various creatures.

Bob: The next chapter of his ‘The Woman across the Street’ novel. We have now switched from the boy’s POV to Carver’s POV. We are getting more of an insight into each character, lots of detail and a hint of what’s ahead; a nice build-up of tension.

Rick is currently working on a piece for a writing magazine in the UK and will read it to us next week.

Homework prompt:

There was a knock on the door. I went to open it to a policeman’

Write a piece using the prompt. In any genre, up to 500 words.

For those attending the call or meeting, please send your piece to Gina to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 3rd December on Zoom and possibly at Neo’s if lockdown is lifted in Paphos. Gina will inform all if Neo’s are able to open.

For those interested and want to install and know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the PWG Skype group.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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