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Minutes of the Meeting on 11 March 2021 Venue: Skype


John Goodwin, Jennie Rook, Bob Barker, Richard Powell, Gina Angeletta, June Megennis, Nikki Burrows

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

A few members coming and going, during this week’s meeting, due to connection hitches, electric and internet outages but we got going at 11:00 on Skype, welcoming back June, online.

Thanks to Gina for leading the meeting and Jennie for taking the minutes.


June: A lovely, descriptive chapter from her Breton Tales – based on her experience of buying a farmhouse in Guiguen, France.

June also told the group how she has been sending her biography to various agents with a few rejections. She has found a lady in New York, originally from Manchester, UK, who is interested in her biography and has asked for the next 50 pages. So June awaits positive news.

Rick: Chapter 15 of his POW story – The New Captain. Good continuation and intro to a suspicious new character.

A discussion led to the use of dialogue in text. John and Bob noted they use identifiers early in dialogue pieces, to help the reader understand who’s speaking. Including action from the speaker helps avoiding the repeated use of ‘he said,’ ‘she said.’

John: Chapter 4 from his Colonists work in progress – Surveyors – an interesting piece identifying new species in his alien planet, setting.

Nikki: Based on this week’s homework – Treasure in a Damp Place. A poem about the trials and tribulations of owning a washing machine, along with their notorious breakdowns. Well written and good rhyming words.

Coffee break for 15 minutes.


Gina: Based on last week’s homework: Hidden Treasure - a poem written from a memory of saving an old motor bike. Good scanning and an entertaining piece.

Jennie: Chapter 10 of The Otherworld series – The Grimoire. Moving the story along with the two main characters’ quest. The group agreed it would be nice in audiobook format.

Bob: The next chapter of his ‘The Woman Across the Street’ novel. We have now switched from the boy’s POV to Carver’s POV. Dialogue between two detective characters moving into the investigatory scenes now.

A discussion led on how to create names for your characters, some suggesting online Name generators.

Homework prompt:Saints or Sinners’

Write a piece using the prompt. In any genre, 500ish words.

For those attending the call or meeting, please send your piece to Gina to upload to the PWG Skype Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 18th March on Skype.

Gina will inform all when Neo’s are able to open.

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the PWG Skype group.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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