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Minutes of the Meeting of 17 December 2020 Venue:Skype only.

Greetings fellow writers.

Virtually, present through Skype attendee: Bob, John, Jennie, Rick, Gina, Dee.

Meeting commenced at 11.00. Led by Gina with Dee taking the minutes.


John: “Tribal instinct.” How we still have not evolved as much as hoped for in the Sixties. Based on homework prompt 'Our generation'

Jennie: “The night before Christmas.” updated to 2020. A well-constructed parody of the original version. Topical and entertaining.

Rick: 'Bloody Bastard'. A murder is planned as they say something completely different. We enjoyed it Rick.

Gina: 'Our generation'. from last week's homework, and also, an extract from her novel. A childhood reflective piece, from her childhood in a rural area

Dee: 'All We See Is But a Dream Within a Dream ' Romance. (quote by Edgar Allan Poe).

Bob: The continuation of his work in progress, Great story developing each week.

Jennie: 'Twelve days of Christmas.' A 2020 alternative parody, topical , intelligent rendition of the famous song. Well done Jennie.

John: 'Age of Innocence'. Inspired from last week's homework. A reflective story of nineteen fifties memories, as it was then. From a young John, from the inner city of London. Very evocative.

Gina, 'Dust if you must.' An insightful, philosophical poem.

Coffee break 1-15 1-30

John, 'Nativity'. a story from the point of view of the donkey. Some humorous, dialogue in this quirky tale.

Christmas Writing Prompt: Write on the Theme of "How Was it For You?" Make of it what you will.

Meeting closed at 1 50.

We hope we will meet again on the 7th January at Neos if possible otherwise on Skype/Zoom

Wishing all of our members near or far the best Christmas we are allowed.


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