Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of the meeting of 14 January 2021
This meeting was held on Skype due to Covic restrictions.
Readings were successfully uploaded as files onto our PWG Skype group page
Virtually present: Gina, Bob, Rick, June, Nikki and John.
Apologies from Jennie and Dee.
Gina called the meeting to order and readings began:
John: (based on the homework prompt “What Happened Next”) “Brave New World.”
A speculative take on the ten years following the Pandemic.
This was followed by a discussion on the prospects raised.
Nikki: (What Happened Next?) An extract from the sequel to her novel “The Zeus Factor.” Working title “Aphrodite’s Quest.”
This was followed by a discussion on formatting and uploading a book to Kindle.
Bob: A chapter from his work in progress “The Woman Across the Street”
This was followed by a discussion on self-publishing. Bob is preparing a presentation on the subject and will advise on how to access it when it is set up.
Rick: Chapter 12. An extract from his WIP A war story. Set back in England.
June: “Winds of Change” An extract from her autobiography “Tears and Symphony”
In the discussion that followed June was urged to pursue agents to take up her book.
We also discussed her draft front cover featuring a charming drawing of her from her early career.
The Meeting ended at 12:00 UK time 14:00 Cyprus.
Next meeting Thursday 21 January 2021 and will also be on Skype starting at 09:00 UK 11:00 Cyprus.
Homework Writing prompt: “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to . . .”
Sorry, I forgot to note the homework so let’s raise the mood with this one. JG